When you're having fun!! Lots has gone on since the last post. Bo had his one-year check-up...a little late, but it's done. He weighs 27 lbs. (75th percentile) and is 31 inches tall (90th percentile)!! What a load! I definitely feel sorry for the moms whose kids weigh in the 100th percentile! Anyways, Bo is healthy, to say the least, and has picked up a few words...mama, daddy, cracker and tickle.
My parents came to Houston for a visit. It was alot of fun! We shopped, ate barbeque, watched movies, ate authentic mexican food, shopped some more, ate more barbeque, went to Galveston for the day (to shop and eat seafood and see the beach!), and took lots of pictures. Here are a few.

Bo and G.G. reading the Peek-a-Who? book.


"Howdy, m'am. I'm a cowboy."