Happy Birthday, Tanner! We love you!
In honor of your birthday, I thought about how I could make this a special post about you. Maybe, I could make a list of 31 things about you that we love. But, then I thought, 31 things is a lot, too much some might say. Then I thought maybe I could make a list of 3 things we love about you and 1 thing we don't so much love about you. But it's your birthday, so I thought telling you the things we don't like is not too birthdayish. So here are 4 things we love about you...3+1=4!
1)You are really smart, and we are all really proud of all that you've accomplished.
2)You're a great dad and a great husband. (from what I've heard)
3)You are a gifted leader...even though I was the one you just had to practice your skills on when we were growing up. I guess telling people what to do eventually comes in handy.
4)You have great tastes in movies...the majority of the time.
Hope your day was special!

It just so happens to be Bo's half-birthday! We usually don't celebrate half-birthdays nor are we going to tell our kids when they are 3 and a half, or 5 and three-quarters. There aren't many things more annoying than a kid who gets a one-up on another kid because he says he's three-quarters older. Just my opinion. Moving on, I figured 1 and a half is a pretty big milestone. He's definitely a toddler, not a baby anymore. And he's definitely making his opinion known more often. And he's definitely testing his boundaries. But, he is still a sweet boy who blows kisses and likes to cuddle when we read. He's a big boy...literally. In the 90th percentile for both height (33 3/4 in.) and weight (31 lbs. 8 oz.). If he keeps this up...watch out!