I was hoping to get this on the computer yesterday, but the day was busy...We are currently searching for another place to live. We like our apartment...actually, we love our apartment, after seeing some of the other options yesterday! But Robert would like to be a little closer to some of the schools he visits and I would like a little green area so Bo and I could play outside, without having to get in the car and drive to a park. If we find something else, great, if not, no big deal.
Also, Valentine's Day is also the date of me and Robert's engagement. So Happy Engagement Anniversary to us!! Some of you are thinking, how cheesy to get engaged on Valentine's. So before you start hatin' on us, there was really no choice. Robert was in the states for a missions conference (at the time he was living in Mexico City), and it was the only time we would see each other before he came home in May...much too late to start planning a summer wedding. So he planned an elaborate dinner complete with his mom's fine china, candlelight, music, luminaries and of course, the proposal. A very special time that we get to celebrate on top of celebrating Valentine's. At the very least, it helps us remember the date we got engaged!

Bo has started blowing bubbles in the tub. It's even more hilarious when there is no more water left to blow in!

Here is Bo taking his temperature. I think he's a little confused. It's not a navel thermometer.

I think Bo has inherited some of Robert's love and talent for art. He is always asking to draw now. Here he is after an artistic session with the markers. Praise the Lord for washable markers!! Also notice, the one sock on...also part of his artistic flair, I guess.