Can I just say how much I LOVE the NCAA tournament? I believe it is, out of all sporting events - collegiate and professional - the most exciting to watch bar none. Robert and I are not huge die-hard fans of any team, although we do have our allegiances and preferences, nor do we hover around the TV for any or all sports seasons. But this tournament is definitely the exception. Our dear Bo, I fear, is and will continue to be stripped of normalcy for the next couple of weeks. By the end, I fear Robert and I will be fighting over who has to change Bo's diaper, figure out where he is or what he is doing, so we won't miss a minute of the underdog's potential upset. It's just beautiful...I love it. And if anybody is curious, I have 3 different brackets - my winners include Memphis, UNC and UCLA.
SKIP THIS NEXT PART if you don't like potty talk!
Update on Bo: the diarrhea is still here. I shouldn't say diarrhea - b/c it's not ongoing throughout the I've now labeled it just runny poo...and it's dark, dark green. We now believe it is either a result of teething or he ate something non-edible that he is having trouble passing. Hopefully it is the first of the two. I did call our pediatrician's office and the sweet nurse gave me two pieces of news I did not care for. First, just wait it out. Second, it could be what's normal for him right now....GREAT. Thanks...alot. Hopefully it will be gone soon.