Yeah for G.G. coming! She spent her spring break with us and we all had a great time! Bo especially loved all the new "Easter" treats he received and having someone else to entertain him.
Before nap.
After nap.
This is Bo's new tricycle and helmet. He LOVES them! Many thanks to G.G., Grandad, Grammy and Granddaddy for an early birthday present!!! I am thankful for the push and steer handle on the back...a necessity for keeping your back in good working condition! Here Bo is multi-tasking...reading and bicycling. What a prodigy. Not really...he can't propel himself or steer on his own yet...hence the adult push handle. Eat your heart out men...only as a toddler can you ride a bike in your underwear and not be arrested.
This is Bo's post-Easter sale outfit. We actually didn't make it to church on Easter b/c of a 24-hour stomach virus. And last Sunday it was too hot to wear pants and long-sleeves, so here we are this past Sunday in our nice Spring attire. Thanks to G.G. for the cute outfit and my friend Nancy for the consignment shoes - a perfect match!