Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ultrasound Update...

Sorry to keep everyone waiting...again. I forgot that I posted about not knowing the health of the baby. Preggo brain.

Everything is fine with baby boy #2. I just wish they wouldn't be so nonchalant about it. I'm waiting anxiously to hear if this baby is healthy or not, and they don't even mention it when I go in for my appointment! I have to ask! And the answer is, "Oh, everything's fine." But, I guess they see a hundred ultrasound reports a day and to them it's just another report, not someone's baby they're worried about.

I couldn't scan the ultrasound pictures. For some reason, the scanner isn't working. Maybe I will take some digital pics of them and see how they turn out.

No other news on the Sanders home front. Except for having a head full of snot - Enter the pregnancy congestion! Plus, sharing everything with what seems like a constantly snotty 2 year old.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Snips and snails and puppy dogs' tails...

We had our ultrasound yesterday....and IT'S A BOY!! He wasn't very cooperative at first b/c he had his back turned to us. But after a little coaxing from Robert and the tech, he turned and we were able to see his parts. After that, the tech wanted a face shot, but this time he wouldn't keep still! I told Robert and the tech that he was complaining about them being indecisive. The pictures we received aren't very good. There's one that looks scary - I call it the gremlin shot b/c it looks like he's wrinkling his nose and has really sharp teeth. Not the picture you want of your unborn child....too many movies with humans birthing aliens.

The only disappointing thing is that the ultrasound tech was not legally allowed to tell us any information regarding the health of the baby, whether good or bad. She does the ultrasound, then sends the information to a separate office that interprets the info and writes up a report, which then gets sent to the doctor. So I was a little disappointed leaving the appointment and slightly anxious to have to wait on those results. I am going to put in a call to the doctor's office to see if when they might possibly have the report. I have a doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but I would love not to have to wait that long. But, another opportunity to trust the Lord, surrender my desires to Him and to trust that His plan is perfect and good for us. Pray that I won't be anxious during this waiting period and continue to pray for a healthy baby boy!

I'll try to post the pics later...check back if you're interested in the "gremlin" shot. : )

And we don't have a name picked out yet. So don't ask.