We'll start from today and go backwards. So first, Robert's parents have been here visiting for the week. Bo was SOOOO excited when they arrived, and was running around and talking very fast. He gave them hugs and immediately wanted them to "play trains" with him. All this was very encouraging b/c we didn't get to see them a lot last year and you never know if your child is going to remember people they haven't seen in a while. We try to do a good job of praying for all our family and looking at pictures to help bridge the distance gap. Thankfully, they will be back soon after the baby arrives, so this span of time apart will be short.
A huge plus to having them here has been the HUGE HELP they have been! I don't think I washed a single dish the entire week!! And Bo has gotten lots of attention and had two great playmates to play with and who kept him entertained. Many, many THANKS to Grammy and Granddaddy! We love you!
A few updates on Bo...We moved him, over Spring Break, into a new room and put him into a big boy bed. We took him to Target to pick out some sheets and of course, his first choice was Thomas the Train. He is in a bigger room, so all of his toys, including his trains, are in his room, instead of littering our den...of which, both Robert and I are very thankful.
Here are a few pics from an outside photo shoot that Robert did with Bo. My baby is not a baby anymore!
This is Bo's way of saying "cheese" but being totally uninterested in posing for pictures.
Updates on me and the baby. Here are a couple of pics of two new purses I purchased. I am moving up in the world of fashionable accessories!!
Here's the latest pic of baby boy #2 - who remains nameless! We are having such a hard time with this one. We will definitely let everyone know when we get it figured out! This is at 28 weeks. As of April 13th, I am 30 weeks! WooHoo - really only 9 more, due to C-section a week early! Let the count down begin. Although, this pregnancy has really flown by! I can't wait to meet our little man!
Whew! I think that's all for now! If you've stuck with us this far, thanks!