Recently (read since Justus was born) Wednesdays have seemed to be days when the "to do" list is oh so long and the "what I actually checked off the to-do list" list is, hmm, oh so short. I got into the habit, like many women, of falling into bed and thinking, "What in the world did I do today?". The thoughts went downhill from there and included words/phrases like failure, waste, wish I had done, should have done, do better tomorrow, etc. And oh how Satan would LOVE for me to continue this defeating self-talk and wallow in self-pity.
Watch out, Satan - I am going on the offensive! Instead of beating myself up at night, I am choosing to begin a weekly Wednesday post of "What I DID do today!" and remember that no matter what is on the list or what didn't make the list, the Lord is pleased with the things I did accomplish...especially all the little things that nobody sees.
I would LOVE it if you joined me on Wednesday nights...not to boast or brag about our accomplishments nor to fret about our lack of accomplishments, but to find encouragement and strength in remembering that we are working for the Lord Jesus Christ and He delights in us!
There are two ways to join. For you fellow bloggers, post a "What I DID do today" list on your blog, writing in a link to my blog. (As far as I understand, a list will come up under my post with the links to your lists....I think!) For those without a blog, just leave a comment with your list.
"What I DID do today"
- I got out of bed! - Halleluyer! : )
- fed both kids a nutritious breakfast and administered vitamins
- folded a load of laundry, attempting to instill some responsibility by teaching Bo how to "fold" and stack his own underwear, and match up his own socks
- stripped Bo's pee-soaked sheets and put new ones on, with a 2nd lesson in responsibility consisting of how to put a pillowcase on a pillow (which took much longer than anticipated...who would have thought that task is so difficult!)
- played cars
- played Hot Wheels
- washed and dried several loads of laundry
- fed a baby several times, gave him a bath, kept his diapers changed and made sure he got the sleep he needed
- fed us lunch and prayed for Haiti
- took a shower!!
- facebooked friends to schedule playdates
- answered several phone calls
- called both sets of parents - one to teach Bo to communicate gratitude for gifts received
- cooked a nutritious dinner for the fam
- washed up 2 days worth of dirty dishes
- killed lots of ants
- wrote and posted this to the blog! : )
Thank you, Jesus, for the health and strength to do these things today.