I put an alarm clock in his room, and set it for 6:30. Sidenote: We have NOT been on the early rising side. I hear the alarm going off and go to see if it actually woke him up. He was awake, and after a minute got quickly out of bed. I went back to our bedroom for something, and upon returning down the hallway, I'm met with B1 still in his pajamas, but with his tennis shoes and bookbag on, ready to leave for school. I had to laugh to myself. "We have to eat breakfast first and get your school clothes on." "Oh, okay!"
He had a great first day. He learned some Spanish, checked out a Clifford book from the library, and played some animal game in gym. He also played legos and made a crane.
He was even more excited when I told him that he was going back to school tomorrow! Too cute.
I had mixed emotions. A little sad that I'm not going to know everything that he's done on those days. I have to rely on a 4 yr old's details of a school day. I'm not too sad, b/c of the possibility of homeschooling next year...he might be at home with me again. And I'm not too sad, b/c I'm excited about my new free time! Not super free, b/c I still have "The Daring Deuce" at home, but everybody who has more than one, knows that one is much easier than two! And with him napping, I'll be able to get some stuff done. It's probably good that he's still napping twice a day...if not, I would be really tempted to be out shopping more than I have money to spend!
So here's to my sweet boy's year at PreK and mommy's new free time!

All dressed up and on the way to PreK!
"Normal pic with brother"
Brothers saying "cheese" (this was a brand new trick for DD.)