These are kind of in reverse chronological order. So the most recent pics are from turned out to be pumpkin day. First we made the dough for our sugar cookies, then stuck it in the fridge to chill. Then on to a run in the park. Yes, I said RUN. Like for the first time in 8 years...not really, but almost, and it definitely felt like it!
Then on to pumpkin carving. We still have a big one waiting to be cut into...maybe tomorrow. Who says you have to have your pumpkin carved in time for Halloween? Maybe we'll make it our Thanksgiving pumpkin.
Then to roll and cut the cookies. Add some orange food coloring to one batch, a little blue to half of the other batch...b/c Bo saw those real bluish-gray colored pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and said we had to make some that color too!

One mouth completely stuffed with cookie, the other laughing b/c Mommy finally let him have a cookie!

Batman sin the mask, and his pumpkin.

At Dewberry Farms, with our MOPS group. We had a blast, with the exception of it being an extremely windy day and we would often get blasted with dirt blowing through the farm. I think I was covered with a layer of grit when we got home.

We rode out to the pumpkin patch on what me and a friend deemed the "immigration bus" (basically a tractor pulling a big covered wagon). If we had shoved about 50 more people in the back, a few dogs and some chickens, and were crossing the border, we would have been spot on.

"I am the ruler of this pumpkin patch! I will strike you down with this pumpkin if you dare cross me!"

This was not at the farm. Mr. T-Rex was at the zoo (from May to end of October)! It was a neat little display, although it would have been cooler if they moved a little bit more. They did make sounds though, and one even had a nest of baby dinosaurs that moved and made squeaky baby dinosaur noises. There were signs explaining what kind of dinosaur each one was, when and where it lived, what it ate, etc. They even had a couple of spitting dinosaurs...that Bo avoided.

Because it was October, the zoo had a small pumpkin patch set up. My boys weren't too thrilled with it as you can see.

Bo riding a legless dinosaur. : )