Daddy taking Bo down the slide. I think Robert is concentrating on holding on to Bo!
Bo hasn't been in swings much, but this time he definitely enjoyed it! Plus, there were lots of things going on around us that he was very interested curious about what everybody else is doing!
So, here are my decorating skills put to the test. I really like these pillows and thought they would go well with our leather couch. What do you think? Seriously, leave a comment and let me know if I passed the test.
Bo has started to find more enjoyment in wearing hats. They still don't stay on for very long, but he'll ask for help to get them on his head. He was laughing pretty hard (hence the face that looks like he's kin to the Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters). I was counting to three, saying "DRAW!", pulling my imaginary guns out and making shooting noises. He thought it was hysterical! COWBOY UP!
we are pro the flower pillow and not so much on the buttons. however, we cannot see the decor of the whole room which might let us see how the button pillows tie in. glad you guys had fun at the park.
jon and amy
Hi Sarah! I've really enjoyed looking at your blog today! Looks like you guys are doing very well. Bo is growing up so quickly! I especially love the fort and cowboy pictures. Anyway, I can be found on Facebook, if you're on there, and have tons of pictures of Renée :)
Love and miss you all!
Pillows look good to me.
Robert has lost weight. Looking good!!! Hold on to Bo he will take you down the slide safely.
Bo in the box says, what is everyone looking at?
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