So what has happened since April 9th? Bo and I went to SC for a week for the purpose of seeing my brother, sister-in-law and niece. We sent them off on the 22nd to Belgium to be church planters. They will be there 3 years before their first "furlough" or "home assignment" or whatever you want to call it. They have lived in San Francisco since before Robert and I were married, and we've gotten to see them on average twice a year. So I thought, "It won't be a big deal for them to move to Belgium, since we only get to see them twice a year anyways." Well, it is. Belgium is not anywhere in America or North America (for those of you who struggle with geography) so it makes a difference. Even with our newly acquired webcam (aren't we fancy?!), and all the technology of email, long-distance phone calls, etc., it is still different. I can't say I've cried after they left (part of me won't let myself do that), but there is a sort of sadness in knowing they are so far away. BUT I am also very, very proud of them and the commitment they are making to growing the Kingdom around the world! Here's the most recent picture of them I have on my computer.
What else?...We had a GREAT missions conference at our church...not really AT our church, since we don't own a building, but you know what I mean. Fred Harrell from City Church in San Francisco was the speaker. He challenged us to be a missional church, which means in one aspect that the members can't just be consumers, but we have to be "bringers". I knew that, but needed a reminder and a little motivation. How about you? Are you a consumer at your church or are you a bringer?
What else?...we've also battled runny noses and sinus infections. How fun. Bo got a runny nose while we were in SC, and proceeded to pass it on to Shelby, my niece. Because we only had one humidifier, we put them in the same room one night. How hysterical! For a while, we heard them both laughing and talking to each other. About an hour and a half later, we heard only Shelby singing. Then we heard, "Bo-Bo, you hear me?!? Bo-Bo, you HEAR me?!?" I think that was the funniest thing ever. I went into the room and Bo was laying down with this look on his face that said, "Would you please make her be quiet?!?" Precious and priceless moments.

Maybe this is why they pass colds so easily.
One more thing...I am forever grateful to Audrey's brother, who passed this special little song on to my brother, who then lovingly passed it on to me.
CAUTION: The title of the song, "Business Time" is not referring to work, so precede at your own risk. (Mom and Dad Sanders, this means you might not want to watch)
Enjoy more songs by "Flight of the Conchords" on youtube, if you can handle it.
Much love.
Ok, that youtube video was hilarious!! We were rolling!
That's why they're called business socks!
I love Flight of the Conchords. Bret and Jemaine kill me.
And I love that story about Shelby and Bo.
- Andy P.
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