We are already behind, I think, in the amount of pictures taken of Justus at birth compared to what we took of Bo. We don't have very many of Justus right after he was delivered...but for good reason. Robert stayed by my side during the c-section, which I was and am so thankful for. I was fully awake this time, compared to being exhausted and medically gassed when Bo was born. I heard all the scissor action and was asking the anesthesiologist about everything that was happening. So that was a very interesting experience. I can't decide which one was better right now...awake or mostly unconscious. Maybe I'll write about that later.
Bo is doing okay for having so much irregularity the past week. He was taken care of by 3 different people in 3 days, so my mom could come to the hospital while Robert was finishing up his last days of summer school. Then we came home from the hospital and it was hard for him to understand why he couldn't sit in my lap and why I couldn't pick him up. Then my dad flew in to join all of us, adding another playmate (and some new trucks). Add to all of this that he's been getting in the bed later than usual, and it makes for a confused, cranky, emotional 3 year old. He has been, however, super sweet with Justus, giving him kisses, holding his hands, patting his head, etc.
This is all I can write for right now. More to come later.
he is gorgeous!!! i couldn't see the pictures from the e-mail (our computer's hard drive died)--so this is my first glimpse of him. makes me want to hop on a flight. love you guys.
Justus is beautiful. Congratulations!!
Lauren Sheehan
He is perfect! I did c-sections both ways too -- 20 years later -- unconcious is better!!! Love you my friend. Give hugs and kisses to Bo and Robert and Justus for us.
Sweet pictures and precious baby! Hope you are resting as much as possible. Things will settle down Bo too, don't worry! :) love from Memphis!!
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