Some pics of Justus in his high chair. Pretty soon, high chair pics will show messy food-covered faces.
Here is what usually happens when Justus is under the "gym" and a little fussy, and I tell Bo to entertain him for a little while!
A few cute pics from the pumpkin patch this year. We did not stay for long...I was carrying Justus in the baby bjorn and Bo was running all over the place. He was too distracted by all the pumpkins to sit still for very long for pics, so I had to snap them when I could. And I didn't tell him to sit in the middle of the pumpkins...that's something he did all on his own.
This natural light was great coming through Bo's window, so I grabbed the camera. He was playing in his room, when I heard, "Mom, I'm stuck." He was just sitting in the wagon covered up by all the blankets and stuffed animals. Too cute.
Here is Justus having some tummy time under his gym. Some good shots of the different faces he makes. And of course, with his hand in his mouth...which is a pretty constant thing these days. I think he will suck his fingers like Bo does.
We did not do anything this year for Halloween or Fall Festival or whatever you want to call it. I did however put Justus in Bo's first costume...Bam Bam from the Flintstone's. The next day, I put Bo in it just for fun. It was hilarious.
Here is our Preschool Day in the Country with church. This is where Bo caught his first fish last year. This year, we weren't so lucky.

love all these pictures. thanks for taking the time to load them!! bo is looking so BIG!! and justus is gorgeous. can't wait to hug you all. let's talk soon!
Thanks for all the pictures of my grandboys. They are as beautiful as their mom. Can't wait to get my hands on them. Love, Mom
I love all your pictures! Both of your boys are just adorable. Cameron and I couldn't believe the connection - what a small world!! She and Trevor are in our community group - we love them. Hope y'all had a happy Thanksgiving!!
When you need a pick me up, go to your girl-friend's web-site and admire her beautiful smiling children. I love you and miss you. You have gorgeous sons.
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