Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bummer - 2x

The first bummer is a pretty big one. We had to terminate the contract on the house. Too many major issues and the seller couldn't budge on price or offer any money for repairs. So, I believe the Lord has something better for us in store. I am not so disappointed, only frustrated that we have to start the process over again, which is prolonging the unknown. More time to practice patience and perseverance! Oh, how I love these lessons in godly character.

The second bummer is not so big. We only took one picture of our time at the beach (and it's not even on our camera)!! So we have no pictures documenting Bo's time on the beach or at the pool. There are good reasons...the biggest one being that I was with Bo by myself most of the time when we were on the beach, and I didn't feel like I could take pictures of him and keep him from drowning at the same time. He is just fearless when it comes to the water. Which is a blessing that he is not screaming bloody murder b/c he doesn't like the sand or the waves. But, I had to be the mother eagle, hovering over him as he would just take off by himself towards the water.

All in all, we had a great time digging in the sand and watching Bo enjoy the ocean. It is definitely exhausting taking a toddler to the beach!

So, what activities are exhausting for you, but well worth spending the extra energy?

I'll leave you with a picture of Bo enjoying some pancakes, made with freshly picked blueberries, given to us by some dear friends.


amy said...

going anywhere with both girls! :)

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

That stinks! I'm sure you guys will find another gem out there somewhere!