My friend, Nancy, and I decided to have a joint birthday party for Bo and her son, Ben. Their birthdays are 3 days apart. I really wanted to be able to celebrate with some of Bo's new little friends from church, so that's why we celebrated more than once. If this trend continues, Bo is going to think it's his birthday all the time - which means more cupcakes and more presents. He is still asking for more of both.
We had a construction vehicles theme because both the boys love them. It was great to have somebody to split the responsibilities with! I understand now why some parents are so reluctant to have these parties...especially at their own houses! Thank goodness the weather was nice, so we could have our party at the park! It worked out great! Even the pizza delivery guy delivers to the park!

Bo decided he only wanted the icing...giving me back the slobber soaked cake part after he was done licking.

This is our little friend, Ben, really enjoying his cupcake!

This is some of the chaos of a 2-year-old's birthday party...mom's wiping, boys with sticks...not too bad!

Remember our butterfly princess? She and Bo really love each other...most of the time. She was really sweet to him at his party, pushing him around in his big dump truck...what more could a man want? A ride in a big dump truck courtesy of a cute older woman, while enjoying a cupcake?
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