Thursday, February 24, 2011


I'm not even going to try and play catch up and post Christmas pics...well maybe a few. But only b/c they're photos of my boys who are so dang cute, I just can't not post pics of them.

DD and his new slippers from Holland...really not just made in Holland but bought in Holland.

B1 and his octopus...that starts out small, but you stick it in water and it grows 600%! At least that's what the package claimed.

What my hair is looking like these days....the growing out continues. And I don't do ANYTHING TO IT....not even a hair dryer. Awesome. I know you're jealous.

DD versus the Kleenex box. I'm pretty sure DD won this bout. But I sure did stuff those unused tissues back into the box!

My first ever batch of chocolate covered strawberries. SUCCESS! And so easy. If I knew it was that easy, I would have done it a long time ago. Nothing is better than the chocolate-strawberry combo...Okay, so maybe the Chocolate Coconut Cream Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Oh. My. Goodness.

"Yo. Be my valentine. You can't resist this."