Saturday, October 6, 2007

Fun time with Grandparents!

This past week, Robert's parents came to visit us...well, maybe more accurately, they came to love on Bo! I think Bo really enjoyed having somebody different to play with in the house. They arrived on Thursday around noon (flying of course). Our first destination was lunch at one of Robert's favorite places...Pappa's Burger. Even though I don't eat burgers most of the time, I do enjoy this restaurant...especially b/c they have really good things that aren't burgers! And they have really good milkshakes! So, anyways, back to the visit...

Friday, we went shopping for Bo, played in the castle at the mall and had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen...which I do love.

Saturday, it was girl's day out. Vineta and I went shopping at the Galleria...a huge mall here with about 375 stores. It's more of a tourist shopping experience than everyday shopping. But we went to some of my favorite stores...the LOFT, Gap, Pottery Barn Kids, etc. Then we met Bob, Robert and Bo for dinner at The Cheesecake Factory!! SO GOOD!

Sunday was church, after which Bo got a fever which ended up spiking a couple of days later to 103.2. But then it gradually just went away. No other symptoms or anything! Weird. So since Bo was sick, we stayed inside for the remainder of their visit (with the exception of a few trips to stores). Which normally would become miserable, but since the grandparents were here, it was great.

A couple of fun things for me...I didn't clean up a single dish (Thanks, Vineta!!!) while they were here, I actually got to take a few naps, and me and Robert were able to go to a Collective Soul concert! Robert is actually good friends with the brother of the guys of Collective Soul, so we got four free tickets and backstage passes! We invited Jonathan and Mary, a newlywed couple from our church who are volunteering with our middle schoolers. They are a lot of fun!

Bo and Grammy reading. Bo is obsessed with books right now. I'm serious. The majority of the time he's awake, he wants to read. Maybe, he'll be a genius.

Me, Robert, Jonathan and Mary with Collective cool are we?!?!

Sweet grandparent picture...Grammy, Bo and Granddaddy


lindley said...

Oooooh, Cheesecake Factory??? I am SOOO jealous! Yummmmmmmy!
Missing you in MH!!

Heather said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm posting another one tonight ... finally...I always have high ambitions of doing more. So cool to see these pics of your family! How awesome about the Collective Soul concert. I'm jealous.