Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy (fill in the blank) Day!

We took a trip to GA this past week...for several reasons. The thing that got us there was a wedding of a dear friend of mine, Kelli. We met at PC, shortly after I stepped onto the campus. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and I think the first thing she said was, "I am so pumped that a Christian is here to play on the basketball team!" Talk about making someone uncomfortable. What we both didn't know yet was that I really wasn't a Christian! The Lord used her greatly in my life to lead me to Him. I was so happy to be able to be at her wedding (finally!) and see her step into this awesome journey of marriage with her man, P.D. Congrats, Kelli and P.D.!!! We love you! Happy Wedding Day!

Happy Birthday! ...my father-in-law's on the 4th and Bo's on the 9th. I don't know how old my father-in-law is b/c he refuses to tell us, but Big Bo turned 2!! This is Bo waiting for the cake. He had woken up early from a nap...when that happens, he cries in a mad way for like 5 minutes and you can't do much for him. Robert got him to calm down with some Doritos...go figure...hence the orange stuff on his mouth and hands.

With a little help from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, I managed to successfully make my very first Elmo cake. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out...I worked dang hard on it.

This is Bo while we were singing Happy Birthday. I think he figured out we were singing for him. It was really cute.

This is Bo concentrating really hard to blow out those 2 candles. He got the first one pretty easily...the second proved to be more challenging.

This is after, oh, about 3 pieces of cake! He's just saving some for later.

How much fun is bath time with 3 babies when splashing is allowed? The girls are thinking, "There is an extra person in our tub tonight...and it's definitely not mommy or daddy."

This is what 3 kids in the back of a Camry looks like.

On Bo's actual birthday, we got to go to the Atlanta Zoo. It was a lot of fun, although somewhat stressful with about a gazillion school groups there. We did get to see some animals that we don't have at our zoo here in Houston...some gorillas and a rhino, and probably some others I can't remember. Here are Abby and Bo posing at the meerkat exhibit. A little too early to really understand the whole head in the hole concept.

Happy Mother's Day!! Here are the beautiful Sanders moms.

"Hey, where's the rest of my cake?!?!" says Bo. "Don't look at me, I only had one piece," says Granddaddy.

And finally Happy 5th Anniversary to Jon and Amy (May 10th), and Happy Baby Dedication Day to little Julia!


MLS said...

Sara- I am so impressed with your Elmo cake!!! Domestic diva at work!!


Tracy Carson said...

So fun to see you at the wedding, just sad we didn't get to catch up more. It sure is fun being blog friends though!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That cake is amazing. Seriously, I am very impressed. Sydney had an Elmo cake for her 2 year b-day that I bought from Publix and yours looked just as good.
-Andy P.