Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Update on Thanksgiving

Here are a few highlights, lowlights and things to be thankful for (and not so thankful for) from our Thanksgiving trip...

We started off with a bang...or more like a BARF! Yeah, Bo threw up on the airplane as we were descending. I think it was a combination of too much juice, getting too hot and the plane descending pretty quickly. There were some other passengers complaining of back aches and nausea as we deplaned. I don't think Bo's little body could handle it.

- I am not thankful for the flight attendant who had NO IDEA what to do about the throw up. REALLY?!?!? Has no one ever barfed on your plane before? She asked US what we needed. Uhhhhh, maybe some plastic bags and some napkins. So, genius that she is, returns with 2 plastic bags and TWO NAPKINS! SERIOUSLY. This is not just a little baby spit up. This is at least two sippy cups worth of water/juice with some french fries mixed in (sorry for the graphic details). TWO NAPKINS. Not really helpful.

- I am not thankful for the other flight attendant who didn't think to ask everyone to remain seated while we got the sick kid off the plane. No. Just wait like everyone else while mom and toddler smell like vomit. Thanks. She also asked US if she needed to call someone to come onto the plane to clean it up. No, lady, I'm sure your next passengers will love the smell of vomit in their seat and in the aisle. Tell them you're trying out a new air freshener and ask them for their comments.

- I AM thankful that Bo threw up on the descent, so it wasn't long that we were in the plane after the episode.

- I AM thankful that most of the throw up landed in the aisle.

- I AM thankful for other passengers who were very compassionate and helped by gathering napkins to pass to us.

- I AM thankful that we received NO dirty looks from other passengers! Everyone must have been in the Thanksgiving spirit - and were thankful they were not us!

We spent a great day on Saturday at Robert's grandmother's house to have an early Thanksgiving celebration. There were an aunt, uncle, cousin and his wife and daughter, brother and his wife and 2 daughters, another cousin's daughter, mom, dad and grandmother, and us.

- I AM thankful that nobody was stuck in the kitchen cooking and unable to hang out - thanks to Chik-fil-A and KFC!

- I AM thankful for relatives who LOVE Jesus and always have wise and kind words to share with a younger generation of parents.

Our time with Robert's parents was great. Church, a Thanksgiving service, a little shopping, and a night out to visit with his brother and awesome wife, and a visit from a friend of ours - Robert's partner in Mexico.

- I AM thankful for my mother-in-law who got up with Bo EVERY morning of our visit, so we could sleep in!! She also fed him breakfast and changed multiple dirty diapers! THANKS SO MUCH, Vineta!!

- I AM thankful for lots of toys at the grandparents' house that kept Bo enthralled, so we really didn't have to entertain him.

- I AM thankful for friends of parents that love on my child through gifts and bringing over cool toys to play with! Y'all are awesome and we always LOVE seeing you, Jean and Wayne!

Next post: the day I got locked out of the house


amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

sorry about the plane vomit! But I am glad you had a good trip with family. I can't find you on Facebook, so find me!

lindley said...

Ohhhh my goodness. Poor y'all! I am mad at those flight attendants for you---how ridiculous--but thankful that other people were concerned for you! I've actually wondered how I would handle that if it happened to us--guess I know now to be prepared that we might not get much help from the flight attendants!!