Saturday, October 11, 2008

Slacker Blogger = Slogger

So, before anybody else gets a chance to give me this label, I will go ahead and label myself. Ha, I beat you to it! I win.

Regardless, I don't really think about blogging unless I have new pics to post...since this blog is mostly about Bo anyways. And Robert has been taking our camera to work for his digital photography class, so I haven't been able to take any pictures here at home. So there's my excuse. But maybe, just maybe I will start thinking about blogging about things other than Bo that don't require pictures. Here's hoping...

Here are some highlights of the last couple of weeks...

-I'm going to a Wednesday night Bible study for women.

-My grandmother (Mimi) turned 90 and my parents had a party for her. We could not go, but were able to see everybody at the party via webcam and wish Mimi a Happy 90th Birthday.

-We had Bike Day at CDO. Talk about a little bit of chaos! Thank goodness each age group had their own time to ride around the parking lot. Ages 2 to 5 would have been a bit much. Sorry I don't have pictures...Just picture in your head, about 30 2 to 3 year olds riding around a small circular drive for about 15 minutes.

And probably the thing that I was most excited about during the last two weeks is....

Now before you go and say how sad my life is that I would be excited about a TV show...Really, this is the ONLY show that I would give anything to be able to do. Who wouldn't want to travel around the world in a race to win 1 million dollars?!?!?!

That's all for today. Check back tomorrow for pics from our morning at the Fire Station Open House! Here's a sneak peek. I promise Bo really did have fun.

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